Monday, April 19, 2010

The convenient argument of "conveniency."

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"

A question posed to me on one of my youtube videos (Re: Children of a stupid God, URL @ bottom)...oh.... a few weeks ago maybe. Anyways, I really have no answer to that question, EXCEPT that God has promised to come back and destroy evil. And since He is God, I will take Him at His Word.

A:I have no Idea.

Q:Why doesn't He come sooner?
A:He does not want to yet.

Fairly straightforward I would say. After all God is under no moral obligation to come and clean up the mess mankind has made. The fact that He is willing to do it at all is infinitely praiseworthy in itself.

Now comes the strange part. Another user said of my explanation, "thats a fairly convenient answer, don't ya think??" Yes it is a convenient answer, because it happens to be the only one I have (or will until Christ returns). I think though that he implied it was a faulty argument, simply because it was convenient. Now I ask the ubiquitous world of bloggers and thinkers, since when has the conveniency of an argument, automatically disqualify it? If it did the Big Bang would be out the window instantly, because what is more convenient than to say, "a infinitesimally small piece of matter(that we don't know the origins of) exploded creating everything we see... oh and this is a proven fact because we are here."

The Oort cloud is another great example. The Oort cloud is basically an explanation of how "long term" comets (Halley's Comet) still exist BILLIONS of years after the big bang. Here is an address to an explanation of Oort's cloud

Now if you didn't read that article, you missed detailed drawings, detailed "facts," etc. The only problem is...The Oort cloud
has never been seen! It's just a theory! And a darn convenient one at that.

The evolution of the human eye is still a mystery, and at this point in time is logically impossible. Atheists say "it happened
and thats the end of it!" That is very convenient.

Now, This Oort cloud has never been seen, the Big Bang was not witnessed by any scientists, a valid theory for Abiogenesis
has yet to be revealed, a valid explanation for the evolution of the human eye is still missing, yet atheists and the like still
believe in them... and yet some fervently deny the existence of God. Now that is some great faith there! (If Christians had
the same level of faith as an Atheist, we could move mountains!)

My vid:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Christian Supremacy

Would I call myself a Christian Supremacist? Well... yes and no.

There are a couple different usages for the term "Christian Supremacist." The first is for the belief that Christians have a right and duty to rule over non-Christian people. The second is that Christ is the only way to God the Father.

I am mildly opposed to the belief that Christians have a right and duty to rule over non-Christians. I believe we should, but I also believe in the principles of a democratic republic. All authority comes from God, God gives man the ability to elect his own rulers, and God appoints them as such. Now true, there was a time when God specifically called someone to be leader(not quite the democratic process), but you have to remember, that was a time when information was not readily available to the people. Through the evolution of technology though, that info is readily available, and seeing how much God blessed America, I would say He has few qualms about a Godly democratic republic. So I believe whoever is elected has the God-given right and duty to govern the people, the ONLY person who has the authority and the right to install himself as an authority is Christ. So I believe in Christian supremacy (in the context of politics) in that Christ will one day rule both believers and non-believers (even though in the thousand year reign of Christ I doubt there will be many non-believers). As for now though, I believe if people had the votes to elect J. Fred Muggs (look him up) to office, they should be able to do it.

As to the second form of Christian supremacy, the belief that Christ is the ONLY way to God, I fully support. Christ said "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6) Romans 3:22-26 among many other scriptures comes to my mind on this subject too. Rom 3:22-26 states clearly the way to be justified in God's eyes is through Christ. Now unless there is something I (and thousands of Biblical scholars) have missed, Jesus Christ is the one and only mediator in God's court.

Now true, saying that you are a Christian Supremacist sounds a little harsh, maybe offensive to some, but the Gospel is not politically correct by today's standards. Christians today are being pulled into the politically correct movement, many by saying there is more than one way to God. That is why this is so important, it must be known throughout the world that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, and we must not back down on this issue, because besides the fact that there are none who are sinless, the most important need-to-know fact of salvation is Christianity alone offers the path to God.

Along side these arguments, I would call myself a Christian Supremacist because there are many different denominations of Christianity, and I believe that as long as they teach and follow the Gospel, they can do whatever they want in the way of rituals, minor doctrines, and living life. (Within the boundaries of God's law of course)

Well enough of my babbling, if you have any objections, comments, or questions, please leave them on my discussion page on you tube.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is it what you are, or who you are?

Recently people in the "political correctness" camp have been denouncing anyone that slanders others by using "who they are" as a derogatory term. Good examples are some commercials I recently saw,(I'll post a link) in which someone says something is "gay," and then someone says "Imagine if WHO you are, was used as an insult...."
REALLY?! I thought WHO you are is different between every person. You are who YOU are!!! I don't care if you are gay, but that is not who you are, that is what you are!... unless you want me to say "hi gay" whenever I see you. The same applies to me, I am a Christian, but that is not who I am. I am still Eric. Do not get me wrong here, I am not saying that "gay" is an appropriate insult, nor am I defending homosexuality, but it upsets me to know that people in my generation are growing up thinking that gay is who somebody is. Lifestyles can affect who you are, but unless you are the essence of the lifestyle, it is not who you are.
Now to talk about PC. If you are part of a controversial lifestyle, be it bad or good, it WILL be made fun of, even if you can not help it(mentally challenged people). That is the world we live in, and again I'm not saying its right to insult people. So I guess what I'm trying to say here is stop whining! If you don't want to offend people by calling them names, then don't. But if you try to force other people not to insult you, they will resent you all the more for it, learn to roll with the punches! If you can do that and stay strong in your convictions, why would you be upset? Look at mentally challenged people. We could learn something from them. "Retard" is one of the most highly used insults and the mentally challenged have more a right than anyone to be mad about it. Yet the true handicapped people are (for the most part) some of the happiest people in the world, and really don't care that "retard" is used as an insult. I know that example breaks down because many don't have the capacity to understand an insult, but my argument remains the same. Name calling is a petty issue, and only distracts from the real issue at hand.

commercial link